Elvene - The Kiri Myth of Ocean Woman
Myka still lived with his parents. He was at that age where he was looking for his independence, but he knew it was just out of reach. The Elders made all the decisions concerning his life and its future, and there was a feeling of rebelliousness, not only within himself but also amongst his peers.
Like most people who lived in paradise, Myka was unaware of what he had. His people, the Kiri, lived on an island which was part of an archipelago. The island was mountainous in parts and heavily forested. They lived on the side facing the rising sun with a beach-lined cove. It was effectively a lagoon broken by a narrow strip of reef that led to the open sea. But because they never saw their home as paradise, they were equally familiar with its deadlier inhabitants, which they never took for granted. ... Print out more pages of Elvene here.
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Kidnapped In Time - a screenplay by Paul Mealing, in printable ebook format.
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